Browse Listings
The CCA Exam preparation course covers fundamental crop production concepts included in the local and international CCA exams.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
The Amish are a religious sect in North America with district beliefs around how they live and view healthcare. Amish communities are growing rapidly, making knowledge about how to interact and care for this population more important than ever.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
The Amish are a religious sect in North America with district beliefs around how they live and view healthcare. Amish communities are growing rapidly, making knowledge about how to interact and care for this population more important than ever.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This course is designed to provide beginning backyard poultry keepers with the knowledge and resources needed to start their flock off right.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Este curso en línea de autoaprendizaje proporciona a los productores de cultivos hidropónicos el conocimiento y herramientas necesarias para implementar las mejores prácticas de manejo específicas de ambientes controlados.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This online course is specifically designed for local agricultural producers in Ohio. The goal of the Bringing the Farm to School program is to provide training and tools to build your capacity to launch or grow efforts to market to schools while increasing farm to school activity in schools and communities across Ohio.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This 4-course series was created for early care and education professionals.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Created for early care and education professionals, this is the fourth course in the Building Family Strengths series: Community Partnerships.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Created for early care and education professionals, this is the third course in the Building Family Strengths series.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Created for early care and education professionals, this is the first course in the Building Family Strengths series: Foundations of Family Engagement.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Created for early care professionals, this is the second course in the Building Family Strengths series: The Role of the Teacher.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This online self-paced course is designed to provide interested individuals an overview and understanding of local Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) programs.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Get ready for success in post-secondary education and careers. Develop self-assessment skills, explore career options, and acque essential life and work skills.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Animal issues include animal welfare/rights. Topics include production, products, and human health.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Erie PrOH is a certification course for fishing guides who work on Lake Erie.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen is a FREE online course created by OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences. This online course goes “beyond the kitchen” to discuss making healthy choices when eating at restaurants, grocery shopping or planning weekly meals.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Join Stone Lab on a Lake Erie research vessel for a fish trawl and learn how to identify your catch.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
Equips food entrepreneurs to launch a successful farm-raised or home-based food business in Ohio.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This course focuses on pathosystems involving trees and forest environments. It is aimed primarily at professionals in the tree care industry but also curious and interested people in the community at large.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES
This course is an introduction to structural pest identification and management and may be useful to anyone seeking technical information on common pests that occur in and around buildings. The course is designed to prepare commercial pesticide applicators to take the Ohio General Pest - category 10a pesticide exam and is a companion to the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s category 10a study manual.
You will not receive recertification credits for completing this course.
Listing Catalog: College of FAES