Young kids stand in a circle with their hands in the middle.

Building Family Strengths: Foundations of Family Engagement (Course 1)



Full course description

Building Family Strengths by Supporting Family Engagement in Today’s World

Course 1: Foundations of Family Engagement

What is family? In this course we will discuss the structures and dynamics of the modern family. We will differentiate family involvement and family engagement while examining the research on which we build our programs. We will take an in-depth look at the challenges early educators face in meeting the needs of families including biases, response strategies, and program structures.​

This self-paced course includes the following 3 modules:

  • Module 1 - Family Structure
  • Module 2 - Defining Family Engagement
  • Module 3 - Personal Biases

Modules include text, image, and video content, knowledge checks, practice activities, discussions, and a quiz. You will recieve a certificate unpon successful completion of the course.

If you have questions about the course, contact Heather Reister at or Marie Economos at

First Time ScarletCanvas Users: After you enroll, you will receive two automated emails, one with the subject "Please confirm your email address - Ohio State ScarletCanvas." Use the link in that email to set up the password you would like to use for your account.

For technical assistance with the ScarletCanvas platform, including logging in and password concerns, please contact CFAES Online Outreach team at (preferred) or call and leave a voice message at 614-292-5213. Please allow at least 24 hours for a reply during business hours, 72 hours over holidays and weekends.

Sign up for this course today!
